Youth Sports Mental Health & Wellness Alliance
September - Suicide Prevention Month

09-18-2023 - Tips for Talking to Your Teen Athlete
Tips for Talking To Your Teen Athlete – Positive Coaching Alliance
September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and often times the first step to prevention is recognizing there is a problem. Having conversations with youth athletes that may be struggling could be the positive influence needed in their lives. This week we highlight 12 Tips for Talking to Your Teen About Their Mental Health, from the Positive Coaching Alliance.

09-11-2023 - Facts & Myths About Suicide
Facts & Myths About Suicide – Images
September is National Suicide Prevention Month, this week we examine facts and myths about suicide. The graphics provided are from Alliance member, Dr. Sonja Lund with Old Dominion University Athletics. This information helps provide more awareness as we amplify the message of Suicide Prevention Month, and is applicable to youth and collegiate athletes struggling with their own mental health & wellness.

09-04-2023 - Suicide Prevention
Prevent Suicide With These 5 Steps – CHKD
September is Suicide Prevention Month, this week we highlight how we can all take an active role in preventing suicide amongst adolescents. These five steps can all be related to youth and collegiate athletes as well.